Manual Testing

Manual Security Testing

Security testing in cybersecurity can be manual in addition to automation. It involves the use of professional testers who perform as hackers would do to decipher and crack a system before the real hackers. This is a proactive approach that makes a system more secure.

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Uncover Vulnerabilities with Expert Manual Testing

Glitz Technology understands that automated security scans are useful to establish a perimeter, but they cannot mimic the intellect of live hackers. That is why we provide comprehensive manual security testing that is conducted by our experienced testers who approach the task from an ethical hacker’s perspective. Our experts study your systems using various tactics that mirror actual penetration testing scenarios. This goes beyond the capacity of automated tools since it enables them to identify hidden weaknesses that scripts cannot recognize.

It is essential to consider these weaknesses as gaps in your digital armour – gaps an adversary can use to siphon off information, sabotage business, or tarnish the image. Through conducting manual testing in identifying and patching these weaknesses, Glitz Technology strengthens your security and offers you security assurance. Collaborate with us and do not wait for a breach to become an alarm for your cybersecurity.

Manual Testing

How it works

Glitz Technology’s manual security testing goes further and uses a combination of techniques to uncover the flaws and eradicate them before the hackers can capitalize on them.

Simulating Real-World Attacks

Our security professionals work as testers and mimic the behaviour of hackers while conducting penetrative tests. This includes social engineering techniques, utilizing known vulnerabilities in software, and creating custom payloads to avoid detection.

Going Beyond Automation

Manual testing can go beyond the capabilities of using tools. Our specialists are capable of analyzing the system interplays, evaluating custom code and searching for disguised vulnerabilities that scripts cannot notice.

Uncovering and Prioritizing Threats

During our rigorous testing, we discover some security vulnerabilities. We then rank these threats by their likelihood and their potential impact on your organisation, so you can tackle the biggest problems first.


Why do organizations need Cloud Security Testing?

Enhanced Data Protection

Enhanced Data Protection

Cloud security testing aims at detecting risks that may lead to the disclosure of confidential information. By fixing these weaknesses, you reduce the chances of data breaches and remain in compliance with the law.

Proactive Threat Detection

Proactive Threat Detection

Cloud security testing is not just about responding to threats and vulnerabilities. It ensures that security threats are detected and dealt with before they are seized by the attackers. It is a proactive approach that avoids costly operational losses and damage to the reputation of the company and its brands.

Improved Security Posture

Improved Security Posture

Cloud security testing regularly ensures that the cloud security is stronger and more effective. It makes it easier to establish a more secure cloud environment since you are, actively looking for and fixing the weaknesses.

Reduced Compliance Risk

Reduced Compliance Risk

It is important to know that most regulations require certain security controls in cloud environments. Cloud security testing ensures that your organization is compliant with these requirements and thus avoids the legal consequences of the fines.

Optimized Cloud Security Spend

Optimized Cloud Security Spend

Cloud security testing identifies potential weaknesses that can guide the necessary security measures to the right locations. This facilitates the formulation of a more effective and efficient security model.

Peace of Mind

Peace of Mind

The additional assurance that your cloud environment has been tested and secured can be invaluable for any business. This means that while you are concentrating on your core business functions, you can rest assured that your data and systems are safe.