API Testing

API Testing

Through API testing, it is possible to prevent the leakage of data passed between applications, as well as unauthorized access. It emulates actual attack scenarios to expose vulnerabilities in APIs before they become a security concern.

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Uncover Vulnerabilities with Expert API Testing

Your applications are only as strong as their connections. API testing works as a security scanner and reveals problematic areas in sharing the required data between two applications. This makes it difficult for hackers to steal user data and thus secures your users’ information.

We are Glitz Technology and we are here to be your long-term solution to API security. We have a team of experienced IT specialists who use modern solutions and methods for identifying potential vulnerabilities in the system before they escalate to critical risks. With our API testing services, you will sleep well at night knowing that your applications are built on a solid and secure foundation. It is high time to stop waiting for the breach to occur – protect your APIs now!

Api Testing

How it works

API testing strengthens your applications so that you can prevent gaps in data sharing from being exploited. Here's how it strengthens your cybersecurity posture:

Proactive Threat Detection

API testing mimics real-world scenarios that may be exploited by attackers to identify vulnerabilities. This measure targets risks before they are used to steal information or corrupt systems in an organization.

Uncovering Hidden Flaws

API testing is more than simply scrutinizing screen outputs and then verifying them but scrutinises the flow of data to the core to reveal deficiencies in the authentication, authorization or data validation mechanisms.

Building a Secure Foundation

API testing focuses on active threats and thus guarantees the stability of the interconnected application. This creates a continued foundation for your applications, developing confidence and guarding user data.


API testing is beneficial in providing a detailed set of benefits that go beyond simple functional testing.

Identify and Mitigate Vulnerabilities
Identify and Mitigate Vulnerabilities

API testing helps to identify security threats in data exchange before they can be exploited for unauthorized access and data theft.

Improved Software Quality
Improved Software Quality

API testing also ensures that there is a proper and efficient transfer of data between different applications, thus boosting the efficiency of the software by eliminating problems with data flow.

Automate Testing for Efficiency
Automate Testing for Efficiency

API tests are often easier to perform and automate than UI tests, saving development time and speeding up releases.

Reduced Costs
Reduced Costs

Identification of the API defects during testing helps in reducing overall development costs since fewer resources are needed for fixing the defects later.

Increased Test Coverage
Increased Test Coverage

PI testing differentiates and goes further than UI tests, focusing on basic elements and data communication, which results in broader coverage.

Optimize Data Flow
Optimize Data Flow

API testing identifies areas of congestion as well as the most ineffective means of transferring data, which, if adjusted would lead to a better-performing application.