DevOps Testing

DevOps Testing

DevOps testing uses automation in every phase of software development and addresses both quality and speed while engaging development and operation teams. DevOps testing focuses on continuously testing to identify glitches at an early stage for better output releases.

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Uncover Vulnerabilities with Expert DevOps Testing

AUsual approaches may fail to identify vulnerabilities during the testing stage and result in headaches and security issues. The DevOps approach provides a better solution through continuous testing throughout the process of software development. This approach promotes cross-development collaboration between development and operations teams. Using automation, DevOps testing makes it possible to catch and remove bugs, and security vulnerabilities as early as possible.

This left a culture shift that focuses on testing early and frequently, lengthens the development cycles and optimizes the delivery pipeline. The result? A fast, reliable, and excellent software as a service that puts your enterprise ahead of the others in innovation. With Glitz Technology’s competent DevOps testing team, you will be able to achieve this. We apply advanced methods to reveal all sorts of weaknesses and equip you to provide secure and dependable software.

Devops Testing

How it works

DevOps testing is a way to make software development continuous by incorporating testing at every phase.

Frequent & Automated

It initiates short bursts of automated tests with every code commit to check for regressions and bugs.

Focus on Automation

Simpler and lengthy tests are run autonomously while teams focus on more challenging or high-value tasks.

Shifting Left for Speed

This approach proves that by testing early and often, the weakness is addressed before reaching the next phases, enhancing the speed of development.


DevOps testing goes beyond traditional methods, delivering a range of advantages that fuel modern software development:

Faster Releases
Faster Releases

Daily automated tests during the development phase help detect regression and bugs at a shallow level. This eliminates the need for extensive refactoring and backports in the later stages and helps in getting features to the right users at a faster pace.

Enhanced Quality
Enhanced Quality

Performing bug detection periodically through the development processes will help in the reduction of defects that could be produced. This results in more reliable software platforms for the end-users, thereby improving their experience.

Improved Collaboration
Improved Collaboration

DevOps testing makes testing the collective responsibility for quality. Development, security, and operations teams collaborate to build and execute tests, which removes organizational silos and fosters integrated collaboration across the application development lifecycle.

Reduced Costs
Reduced Costs

Getting to the bugs early in the development cycle via constant testing prevents the loss of time and resources that would have been used in fixing defects later. This means cheaper development and better utilization of development capital.

Increased Security
Increased Security

Conducting tests continuously ensures that risks are found before they become entrenched in the development cycle. This approach is preventative to ensure that applications are shielded from threats and user data is preserved.

Competitive Advantage
Competitive Advantage

Quicker and more secure software deliveries enable organizations to gain a competitive edge over their counterparts. Thus, high-quality features delivered on time can help businesses satisfy the emergent needs of markets and consumers.